Today i wanted to share with the products i use on my hair to 'try' and keep it in the best condition i can. Now this is not paid or anything these are just some products i like to use on my hair and ones that if find keep it in good condition.

The shampoo i use is the TRESemmé salon silk, now i change my shampoo when ever the bottle is finished with because i find if i use the same shampoo for too long my hair kind of gets used to it and i just feel like it doesn't wash my hair sounds weird but yeah. so i always go for a different one and i have ben using this one for about 3 weeks and it has been working but i can start to tell now that i am going to get a new one soon. I wash my hair 3 times a week.

This is my regular conditioner which just ran out today (sad face) i loved this one so much it is the +TRESEMME volume conditioner i did have the shampoo that when with it but i finished that. But this conditioner works so well and i definitely need to go out and buy some more.
i use this +TRESEMME renewal mask at least once a week ad leave it on for about 10 minutes just to freshen up my hair for another week of drying and styling. I find this works so well and lasts ages too, i makes your hair feel so soft afterwards and as if you have just had it washed at the hairdressers which is just the best feeling.

i sometimes use this before i blow dry my hair if my hair is feeling a little flat or i am wanting to style it and i need more volume i find this product really works. I just put two pumps in my hand and the drag it through my roots, tip my head up side down and blow dry my roots to give extra volume.
These are just two extra things i will use on my hair every now and again. The one on the left is a smooth serum which i put on my hair if it has gone frizzy after straightening it and it helps control the frizz and make it feel nice and smooth. The product on the right you probably know but if you don't it is a hot oil which really helps if you have dry hair and because mine on the ends is blonde i find it can go really dry sometimes so i try to use this once a month to help repair my hair.

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